The Lord's Day Celebration
The pamphlet used when celebrating a Lord's Day.
Learning Discerning Step by Step
A Brief Guide to Christian Decision Making.
Meditation Basics
Describes several methods for individual scriptural meditation.
Tips for how to grow in a prayer life.
Praise & Glory
A guide to help with praise and worship - what do you do when the music stops?
The Examen Prayer
A helpful prayer for examining how God is present in your day.
Roadmap to Repent
The roadmap to interior conversion.
Spiritual Reading List
A Catholic list for spiritual reading.
The Throne Diagram
A helpful diagram for seeing where God is in your life.
The Wheel Diagram
A basic diagram for what is needed to grow in the spiritual life.
The Bridge Diagram
Blank bridge diagram to be filled.
The Bridge Diagram filled
A filled in bridge diagram.